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1st Feb - 30th Nov 
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Hyacinths make a wonderful, fragrant display for indoors as well as the garden. If you want to have a bowl of hyacinths indoors for Christmas buy 'prepared' or heat treated bulbs. 
Use a pot with drainage holes and place a layer of crocks or coarse grit at the bottom to improve drainage. Add a layer of compost and then position the bulbs close together but not touching. Add more compost around the bulbs but don't completely cover; leave at least half sitting above the compost. Water and then place in a cool, dark place such as a garage or shed. Check the bowl from time to time and don't let the compost completely dry out. Once the flower spikes begin to colour, which can be anything up to 10 weeks, move into a light and airy position in the house; perhaps a porch or cool windowsill.  
If the hyacinths are placed in a warm room it is beneficial to occasionally move them into a cooler position, even outside for a few hours, this will extend the flowering period considerably. 
If you use a bowl without drainage holes use bulb fibre in place of compost, this has a free draining structure so that the bulbs don't rot. It also contains charcoal which stops the compost from becoming sour.  
Once flowering has finished the bulbs can be planted out in the border, the blooms will not be as big in following years but you will still get colour and an amazing fragrance. 
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Old Oak Farm Nurseries | Bell's Lane, Hoghton, Preston, Lancashire PR5 0JJ | Tel: 01254 852 065 
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